Reducing Wastewater Energy Consumption, Boosting Circularity in Drought-Hit Catalonia - watermining

Reducing Wastewater Energy Consumption, Boosting Circularity in Drought-Hit Catalonia

Reducing Wastewater Energy Consumption, Boosting Circularity in Drought-Hit Catalonia

A pilot study in Spain?s Catalonia region has succeeded in demonstrating a wastewater treatment process that not only harvests valuable resources like phosphates and nitrogen but also secures the recovery of almost 100% of water for reuse while reducing the energy expenditure in water purification by 25%.

These findings at a pilot scale study located at the La Llagosta Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), which is just outside Barcelona, are given extra import within the wider context of severe drought and search for water solutions in the Catalonia region.

The pilot is Case Study 5 of the EU-funded WATER-MINING Project. This case study was set up by Sorigu? at the WWTP, which is operated by local water institution the Consorci del Bes?s Tordera. It is one of six such WATER-MINING case studies across Europe.

Read the full Press Release here.